Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Morning,
I pray that the day is finding you well.

I have been thinking a lot lately about what it is that I think about.

It seems that our culture is in such a hurry, and we have become so task minded that we are always thinking ahead. We are never truly present to any one given task, when we are doing a previous task we are thinking about the task that we are now doing. Now the task that we are currently doing we no longer give it our full attention but are already looking forward at what our next task shall be and how to accomplish it!

So I have been thinking a lot lately about just what it is that I am thinking about.

I find that unless I am intentional in my thought life, I will go through life asleep. Asleep to the very thing that I endeavor to pay attention to.

I happened on this during my time this morning in, The Celtic Daily Prayer:
What is it that I spend most of my time thinking about? Am I careless in my relationship with God? Do I neglect to spend time cultivating this relationship? Do I treasure it? Do I set as much value on it as He has on me?
Northumbria Community, Celtic Daily Prayer, (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2002), 604.

What is it that I spend most of my time thinking about?

Am I being careless in my relationship with God?

Am I neglecting Him?

How much value do I place on my relationship with Him?

Something to think about.


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